Science Slam
A science slam is an innovative way of communicating science, where researchers share their own scientific work, within a set time limit, with an audience devoid of specialised knowledge.
The aim of WCM 2025 Brazil science slam is to make complex science engaging and accessible to a broad audience in an entertaining way. Join us at the Science Slam WCM 2025 and bring your mollusk research to life on stage.
In just six minutes, you’ll have the chance to captivate the audience with your research. All presentation formats and tools are welcome! The audience will vote for the presentation they find most engaging, and the winner will be crowned the Slam King or Queen. Aside from the admiration and applause, there’s also a special prize waiting for the victor.
Whether your research is ongoing or already completed, we especially encourage young scientists to take part in this fun and interactive event.
Interested? Submit your title and a short abstract (max. 350 words) by April 15, 2025 via email to ‘’scienceslamwcm2025@gmail.com’’. Please send the abstract with the subject “Science Slam WCM2025 Abstract Submission (Your last name)”
Please use the following format:
Title (bold, 12pt, Times New Roman, centred)
<blank line>
First name Init. Last name1, 2nd author, 3rd author (bold, 10 pt, centred, presenting author underlined; use superscript numbers to indicate institutional affiliation)
<blank line>
1Affiliation (10pt, centred; in this order: Number (superscript), Department, Institution, City, Country)
Email: Presenting Author email
<blank line>
Abstract (11pt, no indentation, left-justified, only species names in italic, British English, 350 words maximum, no references, no abbreviations)
Notifications of abstract acceptance will be sent by May 31, 2025.
Oropo Abdulhammed Olakunle
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta