To register click here
Registration for the Congress covers the following:
- Access to the sessions
- Congress gift package
- Coffee and snacks during the breaks
- Welcome Icebreaker with drinks and snacks
The registration fees do not include the Congress Dinner, which is not compulsory and for which there will be a separate charge.
Online registrations for WCM 2025 will be individual and unique and must be made by July 30, 2025, using the system link (https://wcm2025.com.br/sis) and following the instructions listed below:
a) Fill out the online registration form in the system, observing the deadlines and categories for the purposes of fees;
b) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS must present a supporting document (student ID, enrollment certificate, etc.), which must be sent by email (malacology2025@gmail.com) to the General Secretariat of the event at the time of registration;
c) If your payment slip has expired or PAGSEGURO has not approved your transaction, please access the event’s online system using the system link and redo the entire payment process to complete your registration.
d) Payments by commitment will be accepted. To do so, you must email to the system link, where you will be given instructions on registering.
e) The material will only be delivered to the congressperson upon presentation of an identification document and/or power of attorney, together with proof of payment;
f) In case of withdrawal by the congressperson, the Organizing Committee will reimburse, after the event (approximately 15 days later), part of the amount paid, according to the following date:
– Cancellation of registration is allowed until June 15. 50% reimbursement will be refunded, and orders after this date will be cancelled, but the amount paid will not be refunded.
g) Registrations via the website will be suspended from July 31, 2025, and can only be made at the event Secretariat from August 4, 2025.
h) It is the sole responsibility of the participant to correctly complete the online registration form since the documents (receipts and online certificates) will be generated from the information provided. No 2nd copies will be issued.
To make the payment, you must register in the event’s online system through the link to the system and after logging in, you can choose the payment method either by PIX or the PAGSEGURO platform and generate the payment of your registration fee for WCM 2025.
i) If you choose PIX, make the payment and then send the receipt to the Secretariat’s email malacology2025@gmail.com with a copy of the receipt so that we can cancel the payment.
PIX (Banco do Brasil Savings Account) Key – cell phone: 11989956484
ii) After clicking on the PAGSEGURO icon, enter the data requested on the PAGSEGURO website to start the payment system for the event. Then, choose the best payment method: bank slip, credit card or debit card.
We are working to have an international platform; however, until this is released, the option for payment and confirmation will be via email to the Secretariat malacology2025@gmail.com requesting payment at the event in cash and/or by credit card. The Secretariat will freeze the value of the registration fee according to the date of the email sent by the congressperson with this request.
a) To be entitled to the registration fees as a MEMBER of Unitas, SBMa or ASAM, it is necessary to be up to date with the annual fees (including the 2025 fee).
b) The discount may also be granted to new members as long as they are effective and pay the annual fee by July 20, 2025.
c) It is the participant’s responsibility to inform us about their status regarding Unitas, SBMa, or ASAM. If the Associations do not verify the provided information, your registration will require payment of the difference to cover the credentials and materials provided at the congress.